“Who Else Wants A Simple Step-By-Step Guide to a Successful Website Without Being Robbed Blind?”
“All too often, I talk to clients who have been misled, lied to, ripped off and taken advantage of by website developers who prey off the ignorance of people looking to stake their claim in the online gold-rush.”
“It’s time the truth was told and I know there are a lot of businesses who are not going to like it. Like the magician who reveals the methods of the most famous tricks, I expect a considerable amount of backlash from my ‘colleagues’ over the contents of this book, though I am committed to sharing with the world the truth that has been buried for far too long.”
– Pete Kvist – Author
In This Ground Breaking Book, You Will Discover:
The long-held secrets of how website developers confuse clients into paying too much for websites and how to avoid the lies and manipulation Common Mistakes
The most common mistakes made and misconceptions people have when developing a business online-
Compete and Win
How to build a website to compete with larger organisations on bigger budgets and WIN Find Great Staff
How you can hire qualified and proven staff for under $5 an hour to free up your time to focus on what makes you money-
Exact Strategies
The EXACT methods and strategies used by the tiny percentage of super rich online so that you can duplicate it with ease for yourself Great Bonuses
Receive over $197 worth of bonus gifts when you purchase a copy of “Why Most Websites Suck!” today